booking policy
Appointment Booking
New Clients are requested to submit a $25 Non-Refundable Booking Fee to secure the first appointment.
This amount will be applied towards your service(s) at checkout.
A Non-Refundable Booking Fee of $100.00 is required when booking a Full Set of Luxury Eyelash Extensions or PhiBrows Microblading or Combined Services of 90 min or more.
This amount will be applied towards your service(s) at checkout.
******Please consider booking your appointment in advance to secure your preferred time & date.******
Arrival Time
We recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes early for your first scheduled appointment. This will allow ample time to find parking, enjoy refreshments, fill out a client profile and to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
Late Arrivals
All appointments have been designed to allow appropriate time for each service. Your late arrival may limit our ability to offer the fullest possible experience. Please be aware that late arrivals will not be afforded an extension of scheduled treatments. Scheduled treatments will be rendered only for the remainder of the appointment and you will be responsible for payment for the full scheduled appointment.
Cancellation Policy
Scheduled treatments are reserved especially for you. Please provide proper notice of 48 hours in advance to allow time for re-arrangement.
If you need to cancel or reschedule, you must notify us by calling or texting our direct number 361-877-5162 at least 48 hours in advance to avoid late fees.
Appointments scheduled within 48 hour window is automatically confirmed and any changes will be subject to late notice fees.
If your appointment is not changed or canceled within the notification period, your appointment is considered confirmed. Any changes or cancellations made with less than 48 hours notice of your scheduled appointment are subject to a $25 fee.
Microblading/Full Set of Eyelash Extensions/Combined Services (90 minutes or more) appointment must provide 48 hour advance notice by Text/Call to reschedule/cancel (1 time allowed). Less than 48 hr notice, additional Booking Fee required to secure a new appointment.
No-Show Policy
No-show or cancelling/rescheduling the day of your appointment will result in 100% charge of your scheduled service(s). The fee is necessary as we can not fill the appointment without notice or with too short notice.
No--Child/Additional Guest Policy
Children and additional guests will not be allowed in studio during appointment.